


All goods always travel at the risk of the customer, even if they are shipped carriage paid. Under no circumstances does the seller assume any responsibility of any kind for the reason of the transport, even if this is done carriage paid. Unless expressly stipulated otherwise, the costs of transport are at the expense of the buyer.


Prices are set in accordance with decree laws and do not include packaging or transportation. The price charged for the empty good will be refundable if it is returned carriage paid within three months in good condition and with the labels. All our invoices are payable net and cash at 2340 Beerse, Biezenstraat 27, even if we have it collected in any way. We reserve the right to recharge or not to unload the goods if the customer refuses to pay. In case of bankruptcy or insolvency of the customer, the seller has the right to cancel the purchase in whole or in part. The non-payment of an invoice on its due date or any other fact that could make foreseeable the buyer's insolvency, entails the immediate due and payable of all invoices, even those that have not yet expired, and also permits the execution of all current agreements. to suspend and / or to dissolve the current agreements, without prior notice of default and without right to compensation for the buyer, but subject to recovering the damage thus suffered from the buyer for us. Any invoice not paid on its due date will, ipso jure and without prior notice, incur interest at 24% per year and a fixed compensation will also be due equal to 15% of the total unpaid invoice amount with a minimum of 125 €. All collection costs are borne by the buyer. As long as the delivered goods have not been paid for, they remain our property. However, the risk of ownership is borne by the customer.


We are in no way responsible for the designation of the goods manufactured with our products. It is recommended not to use labels without having checked in advance whether they are in accordance with Belgian laws. We cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or bodily injury that may result from the use of the products supplied by us.


Any complaint must be addressed to us by registered letter and within 8 days of receipt of the goods. If not, both the delivery and the invoice will be considered approved. If we consider the complaint to be well-founded, we reserve the choice either to pay compensation or to deliver merchandise in replacement. Under no circumstances can the buyer use a possible complaint as a pretext to postpone the payment of an invoice.


Only the courts of Turnhout are competent to hear the proceedings and the disputes between the parties. Belgian law applies.


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